Trance4mation Games and the Second Chance Reentry Committee of the National Action Network Partner to Launch the H.E.A.L. (Hope, Empowerment & Love)
Re-entry Support Group Movement at the House of Justice

New York, NY - December 2, 2019 –Trance4mation Games, Creator of the Recharge Restorative Communication Reentry game, and the Second Chance Reentry Committee of the National Action Network in NYC have partnered to launch the H.E.A.L. (Hope, Empowerment & Love) Reentry Support Group Movement on Thursday, December 19th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the National Action Network’s House of Justice in NYC. We are launching this revolutionary and vital movement to bring directly to those impacted, proven resources for the processing of the trauma of incarceration and life experiences, profound social connection, and healing!
When people are released from correctional institutions, there is no talk of post-incarceration PTSD; no talk of formerly incarcerated persons, and their loved ones needing healing or resources for understanding, communication, and connection. Unfortunately, therapeutic approaches to mental and emotional health are frowned upon both in prison, and in the African-American and Latinx communities. As a result, latent mental and emotional health issues fester, often leading to breakdowns in communication, destabilized families and communities, and high rates of incarceration.
To make sure that as many impacted people as possible have the opportunity to heal, we are bringing peer to peer-facilitated workshops, led by impacted people, right to where people are; to the housing developments, shelters, community centers, etc.
The Reentry Second Chance Committee of the National Action Network will hold Recharge Reentry Support Group Workshops every other Thursday night at the House of Justice, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. following the December 19th Launch.
Recharge, presently utilized inside and outside of approximately 70 prisons and jails nationally, has proven itself to be the vehicle through which an incarcerated or formerly incarcerated person can express what their reality is, what they wrestle with and face each day, to reflect on and process their incarceration and life experiences, and to feel valued and connected. It provides the structure for people to communicate their feelings in a positive way, while it creates open discussion, and builds trust and genuine connection.
“This game is a blessing to us. It helps us to grow with, and because of one another.”
An incarcerated person at Louisiana State Penitentiary
“As a previously incarcerated person I believe Recharge is greatly needed and will be an important component in the healing and transitional process for those coming home, and who are already home, as well as families understanding the trauma associated with incarceration.,” said Victor Pate, the Chairman of the Second Chance Reentry Committee, whose mission is to provide reentry resources, networks and workshops to formerly incarcerated men and women and those in need of a Second Chance, to assist them in making a positive transition back into the community and society. Victor has led the charge to partner to launch this Movement and serves as the Outreach and Promotions Director.
“Change and transitions are incredibly hard for most people,” said Leslie Robinson, Founder & CEO of Trance4mation Games. “I am humbled to sit in these circles and to witness the inner strength, fortitude, and determination of people fighting against all the odds to make changes in their lives. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to provide a resource that helps to reduce pain and suffering.”
Utilizing the Recharge game, often called “the game that makes you stop playing” because you dig into your real experiences and your real truth in profound ways, this Movement is building a grassroots mobilization of national peer-led networks to facilitate a human infrastructure of healing and compassion. (For more information, please visit www.rechargethegame.com)
About Trance4mation Games
When you have no way to process your experiences, or to share your struggles and your dreams, possibly little access to resources–when you won’t or can’t go to a therapist or counselor, where can you go? For more information please visit www.trance4mationgames.com
Media Contact: CONTACT:
Leslie Robinson Victor Pate
Founder & CEO, Trance4mation Games Chairman, Second Chance Reentry Committee
(917) 302-5086 | (646) 229-9869
leslie@trance4mationgames.com | secondchance@nationalactionnetwork.net